The motherboard is very important within a computer because it provides support for the internal components and also passes information between the computer parts to assure the well-functioning of the computer. Everything attaches to the motherboard -- the CPU, memory, hard drive, monitor, mouse, keyboard, additional peripherals like printers, scanners, and speakers.
CPU or the central processing unit
If the motherboard is the nervous system, then the CPU is the brain. Most of the mathematical manipulations that make computers operate are done by the CPU.
The speed of the computer is usually measured by the speed of the CPU. Even though other factors also affect overall speed, the CPU rating is generally seen as the single most important measure of performance.
RAM or the random access memory
It is the part of the computer that stores information the computer needs while it is operating. This element within the computer hardware is very essential for every program installed within the PC. This is because no program could function properly without the random access memory. All programs require memory for their functions.
Hard Drive
All the data contained in RAM is lost when the computer is turned off, so there has to be a place to store it permanently. This is what the hard disk is for.
It holds the computer’s operating system. An operating system like Windows uses around 4 gigabytes of hard drive space. The extra space is used to install computer programs and to store your personal data.
80 gigabyte hard drives are common, but 500 GB units are available. Furthermore, you can install more than 1 in a computer case for added security and convenience.
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